Definition: Numeracy is the ability to understand and work with numbers so that numerical information can he managed and responded to. Numeracy also involves the capacity of an individual to read data and apply measurement.
Australia is entering the Information Age of history and the generations of the 21st century will live their lives in a digital world. It is estimated that up to 90% of jobs in the future will require high digital skills, which are underpinned by a good foundation in numeracy.
Good numeracy skills, in addition to being an essential employability skill of the future, are used in all aspects of life and have a very positive impact on employment opportunities, wages and health. A sound numerical foundation also increases the logical thinking and reasoning skills that are a vital skill set for students in all their other subjects, and greatly assists in advancing overall academic success.
APTUTORING believes that it is of extreme importance to help all students develop good numeracy skills as early as possible, and establish advanced ones before Year 11-12. Doing so takes time and perseverance, but we have a range of tuition options that are designed to assist students with their literacy development and curriculum support for Mathematics.
Individual Tuition
APTUTORING offers an Individual Tuition program in which the curriculum is completely individualised to the specific learning needs of the student, which are themselves identified through an initial educational assessment.
Curriculum plans developed for students take a holistic approach to developing all a student’s numeracy skills, and can include the development of foundation numeracy skills, exploration of learning strategies useful in Maths, establishment of advanced mathematical skills, curriculum support, and preparation for Year 11-12.
- Pre-school Numeracy
- Prep-Grade 6 Mathematics
- Year 7-10 Mathematics
- Year 11-12 Mathematics
With Individual Tuition, it is also possible to develop other specialised subjects as required, such as GAMSAT test preparation. Simply call our office today to talk to our staff and discuss how our team of professional and dedicated educators can be of assistance.
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